Latest reports and files

Conducting future studies and research papers on issues and developments in the “political, security, and economic” fields,
This is in addition to presenting visions and situational assessments.

Latest news and events

Conducting future studies and research papers on issues and developments in the “political, security, and economic” fields,
This is in addition to presenting visions and situational assessments.

What ‘Trump 2.0’ could mean for the world?

By: Laila Ahmed Introduction: Everyone agrees that Trump is unpredictable. Who could have imagined that he would court North Korea, initiate the Abraham Accords, and supply Ukraine with Javelins—all while moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem and claiming to admire Vladimir Putin? His unpredictability is likely to increase during his second term, partly because of […]

Posted in: International Affairs Unit, Reports,
A Turmoil inside the Democratic Party: Is Biden still the right man for the job?

By: Laila Ahmed Introduction Two weeks after a shockingly debilitated performance during a debate against Donald Trump, the President has sought to prove that it was, in his words, a “bad episode” and not a “serious condition.” But the debate marked an indelible change in perspective among influential Democrats, donors, and the press, some of […]

Posted in: International Affairs Unit, Reports,
Does Laïcité considered the anthesis to Islam?

By: Laila Ahmed Introduction: Laicité, a concept that essentially means “secularism” but is largely more complicated and politically charged has become an integral part of France’s contemporary political scene. A term that created controversy by being applied harshly on Muslims starting from the late 1990s. The French government regardless of who is the president has […]

Posted in: Reports,

Introduction: Conflicts in the Middle East and Africa are a reflection of the complexity of protracted conflicts; The way in which they interact, their longevity, the behaviour and demands of the perpetrators, the parties’ terms of settlement, the dynamism of which they are characterized, and the intensity of their competition reflect their complexity. This complexity […]

Posted in: Conflict Paths Series in the Middle East and Africa, Special editions,

Your smart step to achieve your dream of diplomatic workA training course to qualify young people wishing to join the Egyptian diplomatic corps

Shaf Center for Crisis analysis and future Studies, under the presidency of H.E. Mohamed Al-Orabi, Chairman of the Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs and Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, organizes a comprehensive training program to qualify youth aspiring to join the Egyptian diplomatic corps.

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Latest training courses

Conducting future studies and research papers on issues and developments in the “political, security, and economic” fields,
This is in addition to presenting visions and situational assessments.

Political researcher preparation
The Shaf Center for Future Studies and Analysis of Crises and Conflicts in the Middle East and Africa is organized by Ambassador Mohamed Al-Orabi, ...
Laws and rules regulating human rights
The Shaf Center for Future Studies and Analysis of Crises and Conflicts in the Middle East and Africa is organized by Ambassador Mohamed Al-Orabi, ...

Periodic publications

Shaf videos

Shaf center

For future studies and analysis
crisis and conflicts (Middle East and Africa)

We, the “Shaf Center for Future Studies and Analysis of crisis and Conflicts” in the Middle East and Africa, are an independent, non-partisan institution, established in September 2021, and operating away from any political or ideological considerations.

In light of the crisis and conflicts faced by both Arab and African countries, the Center seeks, through its diverse academic and applied activities, to contribute by providing objective and analytical material to decision makers and makers, to help them come up with effective action proposals towards various crisis  and issues.